Will's Music

The World Peace Diet


Karuna Music and Arts









Karuna Music and Arts


Order Creations of Dr. Will Tuttle & Madeleine Tuttle here --
Karuna Music and Art Products and World Peace Diet & other Books, CDs, and DVDs

Shipping is $6 for the first item, plus $3 for each additional item.
($6 for 1 item, $9 for 2 items, $12 for 3 items, etc.)
Shipping on Quantity Discount specials is also $6

Note: We are no longer shipping books internationally. CDs, DVDs and Audio Books only.
Residents outside U.S. - we recommend ordering The World Peace Diet book directly from your local Amazon or from The Book Depository

All of Dr. Will Tuttle's music, audio books, and spoken word CDs are available for download via iTunes, GooglePlay, etc.
This page is primarily for physical CDs, DVDs, books, etc., plus eBooks, art, and quantity discounts.
If you have any problems ordering, please call our toll free order line anytime: (800) 697-6614 or (707) 207-5020

Will Tuttle's Original Piano Music

Special! Order any 6 CDs for only $65

ALL Credit Card Details are
Taken Over an SSL Secure Server
PayPal & ALL Credit Cards Accepted

Books (To have Dr. Tuttle sign a book to a particular name(s), please indicate under "special requests")

The World Peace Way: Six Keys to Health and Harmony for All (Book or PDF)

Dr. Will Tuttle, Author

Book -- $15.00

PDF file only--- $8.00

Continue Browsing

Audio book is coming!

NEW - The World Peace Way
Six Keys to Health and Harmony for All - 2024

190 pages, Signed by the author

Quantity Discounts Available

PDF file of the entire book, including endnotes & resources, sent via email, is $8.00





Food for freedom: Reclaiming Our Health and Rescuing Our World (Book or PDF)

Dr. Will Tuttle, Author

Book -- $19.00
(online discount - lists for $22)

PDF file only --- $12.00

Audio book download - unabridged narration by Dr. Tuttle - $12.00

Continue Browsing

New - Food for Freedom
Reclaiming Our Health and Rescuing Our World - 2024

372 pages, Signed by the author

Quantity Discounts Available

PDF file of the entire book, including endnotes & resources, sent via email, is $12.00

MP3 Audio Book Version - narrated by author - $12.00 Download








The World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony --
10th Anniversary Edition
(Book or PDF)

Dr. Will Tuttle, Author

Book -- $20.00
(online discount - lists for $22)

PDF file only--- $12.00

Continue Browsing

The World Peace Diet

10th Anniversary Edition - 2016

Quantity Discounts Available

360 pages, includes index - $20
(Trade paperback, recycled paper & soy-based ink -----  Signed by the author, with free Living in Harmony CD)

PDF file of the entire book, including endnotes, resources, and index, sent via email, is $12.00

Audio Book Version - See Below





The World Peace Diet,
Spanish Language Edition
(Book or PDF)

(La Dieta De La Paz Mundial)

Dr. Will Tuttle, Author

Book -- $20.00

PDF file only
--- $12.00
Continue Browsing

The World Peace Diet - Spanish
La Dieta de la Paz Mundial

Comer Para la Salud Espiritual y la Armonia Social

380 pages, includes index - $20
(Trade paperback, Signed by the author, with free Living in Harmony CD)

PDF file of the entire book, including endnotes and resources, sent via email, is $12.00





Daily VegInspirations: Jewels from The World peace Diet
ook - 160 pages with 140 Zen brush paintings)

Dr. Will Tuttle, Author
Madeleine Tuttle, Artist

Book -- $13.00

Continue Browsing

Daily VegInspirations:
Jewels from The World Peace Diet

160 pages; 2019 - $13
Karuna Music & Art

Signed by the author




Your Inner Islands: The Keys to Intuitive Living

Dr. Will Tuttle, Author

Book -- $15.00

PDF file -- $15.00

Continue Browsing

Your Inner Islands:
The Keys to Intuitive Living

144 pages; 2017- $15
Karuna Music & Art

Signed by the author; includes full color sheet of reproductions of Madeleine's six Islands paintings




Your Inner Islands: Intuition Development Course

Downloadable Course including music & art)

Dr. Will Tuttle, Author, composer; Madeleine Tuttle, artist

2 PDF Files, plus CD download: $30.00

Continue Browsing

Your Inner Islands:
Intuition Development Course

Includes downloadable PDF of Your Inner Islands book, as well as all 18 tracks of the Islands of Light CD, plus 6 paintings by Madeleine --



Bursting Light: Favorite Original Piano Solos by Will Tuttle With Visionary Paintings by Madeleine Tuttle
(full-color book)

Dr. Will Tuttle, Composer
Madeleine Tuttle, Painter

Book -- $29.00
(Special - lists for $39.00)

Continue Browsing

Bursting Light:
Favorite Original Piano Solos by Will Tuttle
With Visionary Paintings by Madeleine Tuttle

132 pages; 2018 - $29
(Large format, full color throughout)
Karuna Music & Art
  Signed by the authors

Piano sheet music for 15 original pieces including Benediction of Light, Dance for the Arctic Moon, Redwood Light, The Kiss, Bursting Light, Song of Returning Home, End of Dreams, Alive!, Waves of Light, and many more. Also includes link to high-quality audio files ( downloadable) of all 15 pieces.



Buddhism & Veganism: Essays Connecting Spiritual Awakening and Animal Liberation

Dr. Will Tuttle, Author

Book -- $20.00

Continue Browsing

Buddhism & Veganism:
Essays Connecting Spiritual Awakening and Animal Liberation

250 pages; 2019- $20
(Trade paperback, recycled paper)
Vegan Publishers, Danvers, MA

  Signed by the author




Circles of Compassion: Essays Connecting Issues of Justice (Book)

Dr. Will Tuttle, Editor

Book -- $20.00
(Special - lists for $22.00)

Continue Browsing

Circles of Compassion:
Essays Connecting Issues of Justice

320 pages; 2014 - $20
(Trade paperback, recycled paper)
Vegan Publishers, Danvers, MA
  Signed by the author




Audio Books (also available online on Audible, iTunes, etc.)

The World Peace Diet
Audio book

(Signed, with free Living in Harmony CD)
13.5 hours long MP3 - CD

Continue Browsing

The World Peace Diet Audio Book
The missing book that illuminates the hidden core of our culture and helps us understand...
13.5 hours long, unabridged. MP3 CD

This compact disc has the entire text of the book, read by the author, with short piano interludes composed and performed by the author.

Terrific way to spread the message of The World Peace Diet -

Quantity Discounts Available




The World Peace Diet
Audio book
Download -
Only $12.00
(no shipping will be charged).
13.5 hours long, MP3 download

Continue Browsing

The World Peace Diet AudioBook Download
The missing book that illuminates the hidden core of our culture and helps us understand...
13.5 hours long, unabridged. MP3 Download

This MP3 download has the entire text of the book, read by the author, with short piano interludes composed and performed by the author.

Terrific way to spread the message of The World Peace Diet - burn your own CDs, transfer to iPod, etc.







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Vegan Inspiration Package

The Worldwide Vegan Summit for Truth and Freedom

This summit ~ featuring world-class vegan writers and researchers who are also outspoken experts in the movement for health freedom ~ includes Dr. Brian Clement, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Dr. Pam Popper, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Joel Kahn, Clare Mann, Derrick Broze, Henna Maria, Dr. Armaiti May, and many others.

Includes 18 Videos, 18 Audios,
18 Transcripts, 14 Bonuses

Discount price: $20



Download mp3 $25.00

Continue Browsing

World Peace Diet Transformation Package

The World Peace Diet Transformation Package offers keys to optimizing your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Includes The World Peace Diet
in both PDF and AudioBook formats, as well as an mp3 download of Dr. Tuttle's World Peace Meditations.

Discount price



Download mp3 $25.00

Continue Browsing

World Peace Meditation Package

Healing Meditations for Spiritual Awakening

Includes mp3 downloads for three CDs:
(2 guided meditation and one meditative music)

The Four Viharas
World Peace Meditations

Discount price



USB drives and CDs

USB Music Thumb Drive -
8 CD albums-


Continue Browsing

New! - USB Music Thumb Drive

Contains all 8 CD Albums of Will Tuttle's original uplifting piano music:

The Call
Islands of Light

Inspiration -
with Madeleine on flute
- with Madeleine on flute

Contains 8 CD albums (8 hours and 100 pieces) on one USB drive, with both full high-resolution tracks as well as condensed MP3 tracks for all songs, plus album artwork and extras.


USB C Adapter - $5 QTY


USBSpoken Word Thumb Drive -
17 hours -


Continue Browsing

New! - USB Spoken Word Thumb Drive
Contains 17 hours of words & music:

World Peace Diet Audio Book (13.5 hours)
World Peace Meditations
Four Viharas Guided Meditation

Living in Harmony with All Life

Lost Islands -
album of original piano
Awakening Kingdom! -
album of original piano

Contains 6 CD albums (17 hours) of spoken word World Peace Diet audio book plus guided meditations with music, as well as Living in Harmony summary of The World Peace Diet, all with original piano musical accompaniment, and 2 early albums of Will's original piano music.
MP3 tracks, plus album artwork and extras.


USB C Adapter - $5 QTY


CD - $15.00
MP3 - $12.00

Continue Browsing

Original Piano and Flute Voyage
by Will and Madeleine.
Serene Original Piano (Will) and Flute (Madeleine) music for journeying, meditation, and relaxation.
Healing and quietly uplifting.

This album is also available as an MP3 download.



CD -$15.00
MP3 - $12.00

Continue Browsing

Piano and Flute Adventure
by Will and Madeleine.
Original Piano (Will) and Flute (Madeleine) music for journeying, inspiration, meditation, and relaxation.
Enhanced CD! - Also includes 25 paintings by Madeleine for Desktop and Screensaver

This album is also available as an MP3 download.



CD - $15.00
MP3 - $12.00

Continue Browsing

Original piano music that reflects the ever-pouring blessings of Heaven.
Food for the Heart and Spirit.
Music of power, passion, beauty, and transformation.

This album is also available as an MP3 download.



CD - $15.00
MP3 - $12.00

PDF E-Book only - $10.00

Continue Browsing

Islands of Light
#1 - A CD of evocative original piano music that goes with Dr. Tuttle's book Your Inner Islands (see below)

#2 - Available as download: the PDF file of the text of the book, Your Inner Islands, plus PDF files of the paintings by Madeleine.

#3 = This album is also available as an MP3 download.





CD - $15.00
MP3 - $12.00

Continue Browsing

Soothing and soaring piano blended with nature sounds and the voices of birds and other animals.
For children and animal lovers and nature lovers of all ages.

This album is also available as an MP3 download.




CD - $15.00
MP3 - $12.00

Continue Browsing

The Call
A musical journey
with rich, complex harmonies,
and pieces played in all 7 keys

This album is also available as an MP3 download.




CD -$15.00
MP3 - $12.00


Continue Browsing

A meditative album
of soothing original piano,
created to relax and heal

This album is also available as an MP3 download.




CD -$15.00
MP3 - $12.00


Continue Browsing

An album of swirling,
uptempo and joyous
piano music

This album is also available as an MP3 download.




World Peace Meditations - Guided Meditation
- $15.00
MP3: $12.00

Eight tracks : 52 minutes of guided meditation for healing and spiritual awakening.

Bonus: 22 minute World Peace Diet for meditation.

World Peace Meditations
This Eight-fold Meditation created by Dr. Tuttle is for both inspiration and relaxation.
Bonus: 22 minutes of inspiring quotes from Dr. Tuttle's The World Peace Diet - perfect for meditation and yoga practic.

Also available as an MP3 Download



The Four Viharas Guided Meditation
- $15.00
MP3: $12.00

Side 1: 22 minute guided meditation for beginning practitioners.

Side 2: 22 minute meditation for experienced practitioners.

The Four Viharas
This transformational CD of words, voice and specially- created piano music by Will Tuttle welcomes you to the ancient, timeless and potent practice of The Four Viharas.

Also available as an MP3 download.



Living In Harmony With All Life
CD - $15.00
MP3 - $10.00

77 min. discourse.


Living In Harmony With All Life
In this provocative discourse Will Tuttle illuminates the keys to inner peace and harmony by showing that the mentality required by our food choices is a powerful force in the world.




Conscious Eating
The Power of our Food Choices

Video DVD
1 hour 51 mins


Fully Ilustrated interview with Dr. Will Tuttle (50 minutes). Produced in Hawaii by Animal Advocates, Inc.

Also includes inspiring and educational WPD lecture video and 2 short videos by Dr. Tuttle on the beauty of animals.

Terrific way to understand, introduce, and spread the message of The World Peace Diet -



Quantity Discounts

Quantity Discount #1
5 books for $50.00

($10 per book
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #1
Includes 5 copies of The World Peace Way,
$6 shipping/handling - $56 total


Quantity Discount #2
10 books for $80.00

($8 per book
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #2
Includes10 copies of The World Peace Way,
$6 shipping/handling - $86 total


Quantity Discount #1
5 books for $80.00

($16 per book
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #1
Includes 5 copies of Food for Freedom,
$6 shipping/handling - $86 total


Quantity Discount #2
10 books for $150.00

($15 per book
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #2
Includes 10 copies of Food for Freedom,
$6 shipping/handling - $156 total


Quantity Discount #3
5 books for $85.00

($17 per book
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #3
Includes 5 copies of The World Peace Diet,
$6 shipping/handling - $91 total


Quantity Discount #4
10 books for $160.00

($16 per book
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #4
Includes 10 copies of The World Peace Diet,
$6 shipping/handling - $166 total


Quantity Discount #5
10 Audio Books for $80.00

($8.00 per book
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #5
Includes 10 copies of The World Peace Diet  Audio Book,
$6 shipping/handling - $8 total


Quantity Discount #6
25 Audio Books for $125.00

($5.00 per book
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #6
Includes 25 copies of The World Peace Diet  Audio Book
$6 shipping/handling - $131 total


Quantity Discount #7
10 CDs for $25.00

($2.50 per CD
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #7
10 copies of Living In Harmony With All Life CD by Will--
$6 shipping/handling - $31 total

Fine way to help spread the message of The World Peace Diet


Quantity Discount #8
50 CDs for $100.00

($2.00 per CD
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #8
50 copies of Living In Harmony With All Life CD by Will--
$6 shipping/handling - $106 total

Fine way to help spread the message of The World Peace Diet


Quantity Discount #9
100 CDs for $165.00

($1.65 per CD
$6 shipping)

Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #9
100 copies of Living In Harmony With All Life CD by Will--
$6 shipping/handling - $171 total

Fine way to help spread the message of The World Peace Diet


Any 6 CDs - Quantity Discount #8

Any 6 CDs for $60.00
($10 per CD plus $6 shipping)
Continue Browsing

Quantity Discount #8
Includes any 6 music CDs by Will Tuttle, in any combination that you prefer. Please note in the comments section (or contact us) specifying which 6 CDs you'd like-- $60.00
$6 shipping/handling - $66 total


Madeleine Tuttle's Original Art -- (Click here for signed museum-quality art prints)

Island of Love Card

Art Card Set

$30 per set -
Continue Browsing

Eight Cards with Envelopes

1. Hang On!~ Cats
2. Island of Love ~ Giraffes
3. Celebration of Love~ Dolphin
4. Relax...and Smile ~ Bear
5. Precious Earth ~ Elephants
6. Ready to Jump!~ Frog
7. Sweet Encounter~ Hummingbirds
8. Awakening to Freedom ~ Horses



Island of Love Card
Zen Brush Painting - Artist prints on special Japanese Zen Calligraphy Paper

$15 per print - suitable for framing
2 prints for $24
Continue Browsing

Zen Brush Paintings

9" x 12" Prints - Suitable for Framing

Printed on Japanese Zen "Sumiye" Calligraphy Paper

Huge Selection: 153 Original Zen Brush Paintings by Madeleine from which to choose

Just tell us which page number from the Daily VegInspirations book you would like to have.

We will send you a 9" x 12" print of that original Zen brush painting, suitable for framing, gift, etc.


Special - 2 for $24


To view Madeleine's Art Prints, click here.
To order the Giclée Prints, click here.
To order Madeleine's paintings, please contact us or call 1.800.697.6614.

You can click here for more information.

To order Madeleine's lace Items Click Below

Tatting/Frivolite Ordering

(Tatting - also called Frivolite in Europe - is the beautiful, ancient art of hand lace-making, which Madeleine practices as a meditative craft and offers her unique, uplifting designs)


$30 per pair - Seasonal - in Stock! New vegan cotton edition.
To order Wrist Warmers designed and hand-made with love by Madeleine, please let us know in the Special Requests section of the order form if you have a preferred color. You can also refer to the photo at left to let us know which color pattern(s) you prefer. We'll do our best to match; inventory is constantly changing.

Contact us with any questions. Thanks! Satisfaction Guaranteed.


World Peace Diet Vegan Car Magnets

18" x 12" Full-Color
World Peace Diet Vegan Car Magnet

$25.00 - (discount)
Only $6 for shipping/handling

Bright, beautiful and functional
Fade-resistant, Long-lasting, high-quality materials

Terrific way to start conversations and spread the vegan message of The World Peace Diet -



World Peace Diet Facilitator Training Program


Flagship 8-module training. See Facilitator Training website for more information.

The World Peace Diet Facilitator Training Program -

Full 8-module self-paced online training with audio and video resources by Dr. Tuttle, illuminating and deepening the inspiring World Peace Diet information, with a focus on thriving as vegans in a not-yet vegan world, and on being more effective in our advocacy efforts.

Includes membershi in the World Peace Diet Circle, and 3rd Thursday live Q & A opportunities via Zoom with Dr. Tuttle.

Includes complimentary Study Buddy.






Flagship 8-module training. See Facilitator Training website for more information.

Scholarship - see Scholarship website to apply.

Same as above, with scholarship discount.






Donation Options - Thank you!

PayPal - to willtuttle@earthlink.net
Venmo - to Will-Tuttle-7 (or scan code -->)

Or here via credit card:
$5.00 - Quantity 1
$10.00 - Quantity 2
$15.00 - Quantity 3
$20.00 - Quantity 4
$25.00 - Quantity 5
Etc. - For example:
$50.00 - Quantity 10
$100.00 - Quantity 20



Please choose whatever level of donation you prefer. All funds will be used to disseminate the message of The World Peace Diet to a wider audience.
Donations here are not tax-deductible.

Thanks for caring! May all be blessed.


$5 per each number entered, e.g. 1=$5; 2=$10; 3=$15, etc.

NOTE: The automatic shipping surcharges will be ignored and not charged to your card. (Just the "Subtotal" not the "Total"will be charged.)


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