Original piano and flute music
for journeying,
inspiration, meditation,
and relaxation.

Lush acoustic piano with soaring silver flute - flowing improvisations for relaxing, smiling, and creating the best day ever. This CD marks the beginning of a new and exciting phase of creativity for Will & Madeleine -- an album of original piano and flute duets created as a vibrational expression of joy, love, peace, abundance, and healing.
Madeleine's original flute compositions and improvisations weave and dance with Will's piano harmonies, rhythms, and melodies to create a debut album that is both inspiring and relaxing.
The CD is also an Enhanced CD, which means that besides containing the 7 pieces of flute and piano music, it also contains jpeg (image) files of 25 of Madeleine's most beautiful paintings that are perfect for using as heart-touching computer desktop wallpaper and screensaver images.
There are three different themes - dolphins, frogs, and birds. You can choose to use them separately or together to bring a relaxing, inspiring, and/or humorous feeling to your space. Simply insert the CD into your computer to download.
"I love all of Will Tuttle's inspiring and mellow piano CDS. He's a remarkable pianist who has become even better to listen to with refined and soaring flute misic accompanying him. I had no idea his wife was a musician nor did I know that she is so advanced on the flute. This CD is concurrently spiritual, bouyant, ethereal and sheerly entertaining. As a CD, Inspiration merits laudation, commendation and appreciation for being a wondrous audio pleasure." Brien Comerford
CD - $15.00; MP3 Download - $12.00

Also available on iTunes, GooglePlay, Spotify, etc.
Click on any of the highlighted tracks below to hear an mp3 sample:
Click on an image to see and hear Will Tuttle's other CD releases:
Please click here for Will's spoken word CDs
Please click here for Dr. Will Tuttle's book, The World Peace Diet

For information on quantity discounts, please contact us:
(800) 697-6614 or (707) 207-5020
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