The Original Music of

Music to heal, delight and inspire, taking solo piano into a new dimension.
“When playing the piano, he works from his Buddha-nature, floating, not trying; beyond mistakes.” --
Joseph Campbell, noted mythologist & writer
“The sounds of harmony and peace fill the heart when listening to Will Tuttle's music. He is a master at recreating the deepest vibrations of the soul.” --
Michael Toms, co-founder, New Dimensions Radio
Will Tuttle's uplifting original piano music evokes deep feelings and a sense of coming home.
An acclaimed pianist, composer, inspirational speaker, and recording artist, as well as a former Zen monk and Dharma Master in the Zen tradition, best-selling author, and former philosophy professor, Dr. Tuttle has presented concerts, lectures, and workshops widely throughout North America, and worldwide. His concerts present music in the ancient way, as a transformational vehicle of consciousness, not merely as entertainment. Music has long been understood to open inner doorways of insight, healing, compassion, and communion. It is a language of intuition heard by our hearts.
This page emphasizes Will's music. You can find out more about his best-selling book, The World Peace Diet, as well as his other books:
The World Peace Way: Six Keys to Health and Harmony for All
Food for Freedom: Reclaiming Our Health and Rescuing Our World
Daily VegInspirations: Jewels from The World Peace Diet
Your Inner Islands: The Keys to Intuitive Living
Buddhism and Veganism: Essays Connecting Spiritual Awakening and Animal Liberation
Circles of Compassion: Essays Connecting Issues of Justice
Bursting Light: Favorite Original Piano Solos by Will Tuttle With Visionary Paintings by Madeleine Tuttle
You can order all Will's books, USB Thumb Drives, CDs, DVDs, Audio Books, and Madeleine's art cards, tatting, and signed & numbered art prints on this website. Additionally, all of Will's books and music can be downloaded or purchased through Amazon and Kindle, as well as iTunes, CDBaby, Google Play, Spotify, and most other online retailers.
You can also learn about Bursting Light, a large-format full-color book featuring sheet music for fifteen of Will's most popular original piano compositionsons, with 25 of Madeleine's visionary watercolor paintings, and you can also order here or on Amazon as well.

“Will Tuttle has the amazing ability to play spontaneous meditational music that is truly uplifting. He has a unique style of his own, and he and the piano seem to become one in pouring forth melodious, uplifting music.” --
Peter Caddy, Co-Founder, Findhorn Community, Scotland
“Stirring, heart-opening, inspiring, Will Tuttle takes solo acoustic piano into a new dimension, inviting us to explore the far reaches of our imaginations and soar into the fresh dawn of a new day. My highest recommendation.” --
New Age Retailer Magazine
All Albums and Individual Tracks Are Available on iTunes, GooglePlay, Spotify, Amazon, Napster, etc.
Click on an image to see and hear Will Tuttle's latest CD releases. All are an hour or longer. NEW: We also now have high-capacity USB Thumb Drives for superior compatability and cost-effectiveness:
New! - Music USB Thumb Drive
Contains all 8 CD Albums of Will Tuttle's original uplifting piano music |
New! - Spoken Word USB Thumb Drive
Contains 17 hours of words & music, including the World Peace Diet Audiobook |
Reflections - Relaxing and meditative piano & flute voyage. |
Inspiration- a piano & flute adventure by Will & Madeleine -- for journeying, inspiration, & relaxation. An enhanced CD with 25 of Madeleine's paintings also. |
ASCENSION - A Journey Beyond. Original piano music of power, joy, and inspiration. |
Islands of Light - an entire course on developing intuition: a multimedia adventure with original piano music as well as an e-book and evocative paintings. |
AnimalSongs - soothing and soaring piano blended with animal voices and nature sounds. |
The Call - a musical journey with rich, complex harmonies. |
OceanPrayer - a meditative album created to relax and heal |
SkyHigh - an album of swirling, uptempo and joyous piano music |
World Peace Meditations - a spoken word meditation album with 8 healing meditations for awakening plus bonus World Peace Diet track. |
Four Viharas - a spoken word meditation album on the ancient practice of cultivating Love, Compassion, Joy, and Peace. |
Biographical Info:
Will Tuttle, an acclaimed writer, educator, pianist, and composer, has presented widely throughout North America and worldwide. Author of the #1 Amazon best-seller The World Peace Diet, published in 18 languages, as well as the newly-released best-seller Food for Freedom, and several other books, including The World Peace Way, Your Inner Islands: The Keys to Intuitive Living, Circles of Compassion, Buddhism and Veganism, Daily VegInspirations, and Bursting Light. He is a recipient of The Peace Abbey's distinguished Courage of Conscience Award, as well as the Empty Cages Prize, he has also taught 20 different courses at the college level, including courses in mythology, philosophy, comparative religion, and creativity.
His Ph.D. dissertation in education from the University of California, Berkeley, focused on educating intuition in adults and was nominated for the Best Dissertation Award. A Dharma Master in the Zen tradition, he has done intensive training in Korea, and has practiced meditation for 40 years, studying contemplative Christianity, and a variety of non-Western spiritual traditions.
He is devoted to planetary awakening through spiritual education and to spreading uplifting original music through concerts and his critically-acclaimed albums, the latest being The Call, OceanPrayer, SkyHigh, AnimalSongs, Islands of Light, Ascension, Inspiration, and Reflections.
Rev. Tuttle tives in northern California, and also rtavels with his spouse and life partner, Madeleine, a Swiss visionary artist, flutist, vegan chef, organic gardener, and artisan, providing lectures, seminars, concerts, TV & radio presentations, meditation retreats, and individualized music and art portraits.
“Will Tuttle's music makes my soul want to rise up and clap its hands to find a way to acknowledge this beauty rejoicing in the stirring of joy it taps within my parched heart. “Holy sacred--touching the 'In Love' place inside of me where Lover and Beloved
are re-united in wedded bliss calling us all to the Love of all things hoped for before disappointment marked its territory and pinched the heart of humanity.
“It calls, 'Come to Me. Feel the joy in Home. Make Me your path and Light. Rest your weary heart here if only for a moment and let the Promise within you restore your connection to the rich sacred Divinity, Love Supreme, already alive and well in your soul.'
“This music communicates a language without words that encourages me to surrender to the parts of me that are strong, hopeful, and filled with possibility. It asks me to leave behind the old thoughts and beliefs that keep me stuck and asks me to dance into my freedom.
“Such a beautiful gift he gives to the world!” ---- by Dawn Andersen
Spoken-Word CDs
World Peace Meditations
This Eight-fold Meditation created by Dr. Tuttle is for world peace for all of us, for both inspiration and relaxation.
These spoken meditations by Dr. Will Tuttle guide us gently into higher states of awareness and healing.
Perfectly fine and inspiring to use during wakeful activities such as driving; also excellent for relaxation.
The Eightfold Way:
* Developing Intuition
* Harmonious Relationships
* World Peace
* Animal Relations
* Earth Healing
* Radiant Health
* Abundance
* Joy & Gratitude
Bonus: 22 minutes of inspiring quotes from Dr. Tuttle's The World Peace Diet - perfect for meditation and yoga practice.
$10.00 for CD - ORDER NOW

The Four Viharas
Vihara (Sanskrit), n. abode, dwelling, temple, sanctuary, home.
Work with Dr. Tuttle's ancient keys to spiritual unfoldment in your own environment. This extraordinary recording of words, voice and specially-created piano music by Will Tuttle welcomes you to the ancient, timeless and potent practice of The Four Viharas:
Love, Compassion, Joy and Peace
Practice of The Four Viharas offer a path that has been tried and proven for over two thousand years to bring harmony to our feelings and daily lives. Part of the beauty of these techniques is that they can be carried out anywhere at any time. Regular practice of The Four Viharas will gradually transform your internal environment, healing and opening your heart to others and to all of life.
"What a profound effect I have experienced since using the Four Viharas Meditation. I have practiced it so much that I just walk around radiating all the time! It has been so fun and so powerful." - Kelly H., Palm Springs, CA
Track 1: 22-minute guided meditation for beginning practitioners.
Track 2: 22-minute meditation for experienced practitioners.
$10.00 for CD - ORDER NOW

Living In Harmony With All Life
Our happiness is interconnected with the happiness of others.
In this provocative discourse, Will Tuttle illuminates the keys to inner peace and harmony by showing that the mentality required by our food choices is a powerful force in our world. He reveals how our mistreatment of animals is an unrecognized obstacle to freedom and joy, and how to transform our lives to live in harmony with all life, and contribute to creating a more peaceful world.
77 minutes of discourse in 12 sections, which are graced with original music from Will's AnimalSongs album.
$5.00 for CD - ORDER NOW
"The wisdom of Will Tuttle, like his music, is breathtaking in its originality and transforming in its gentle truths. Every aspect of your life --body, mind and spirit-- is about to be blessed by the words of this modern day mystic."
Judy Carman, author of Peace To All Beings
"Living In Harmony With All Life is great food for the soul. Will Tuttle brings reality back to our decisions about our health, the animals and the environment. These are words to live by."
Howard Lyman, author of Mad Cowboy
$5.00 for CD

Please click here for Dr. Will Tuttle's book, The World Peace Diet

Will's early efforts...
Dr. Tuttle currently appears at progressive churches and centers throughout North America and has been featured in many hundreds of spiritual gatherings and conferences. His music and message have consistently generated an enthusastic and appreciative response. At churches, he typically presents the morning Special Music, Meditation, and/or Message (any combination), and later gives an educational seminar on developing intuition and a concert, "Piano Passion." These generate powerful energy for personal and planetary awakening.
“One of the most profound spiritual experiences of my life.” --
Rev. Suzanne Carter, Unity Minister
Please click here for more information about Will's seminars, and for promotional materials
If you are interested in having Will present a uniquely inspiring musical message at your center or for your event, please click here for more information about his presentations. You may also contact him through Karuna Music and Art at:
Dr. Will Tuttle
21373 Hwy 175, #D-123, Middletown, CA 95461
800-697-6614 or 707-207-5020 (message)

(All Will's music and spoken word products are available for download at iTunes, GooglePlay, Amazon, Spotify, and similar sites)
Will's Music |Portraits
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